New York City Sunset Harbor Cruise with Live Commentary
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Take in New York City’s skyline and famous landmarks at sunset on a scenic harbor cruise. With live narration from an onboard guide, you’ll see Manhattan’s iconic buildings, bridges, and historical sites. The climate-controlled boat offers a comfortable experience, with both indoor and outdoor seating and a fully stocked bar for refreshments.
Full Description
Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises is the original and most popular choice for sightseeing in New York, with over 80 million passengers. It offers the largest fleet of sightseeing boats, featuring comfortable seating, ample legroom, and both indoor and outdoor spaces for the best views of the skyline.
Experience a sunset cruise around the harbor, enjoying stunning views of Manhattan from a climate-controlled boat. Bring friends, family, or coworkers for a memorable journey, with the Statue of Liberty watching over you.
Relax with a drink from the fully stocked bar as you take in the sparkling skyline. Capture perfect photos as you pass landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, One World Trade Center, Empire State Building, Battery Park, and more.
See Ellis Island, Governors Island, South Street Seaport, and the Brooklyn Bridge. Enjoy great views of the Manhattan and Williamsburg Bridges, Chrysler Building, East Village, United Nations Building, and USS Intrepid Pier.
Meeting Point
- 📌 Meet at 83 North River Piers, W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036, USA
- Step aboard the boat with climate-controlled cabins
- Get a drink from the full bar, if desired
Highlights of the Cruise:
- Statue of Liberty
- One World Trade Center (Freedom Tower)
- Empire State Building and Chrysler Building:
Historical and Cultural Sites:
- Pier 54 (Titanic Pier)
- Ellis Island
- Governors Island and Battery Park
Famous Bridges:
- Brooklyn Bridge
- Manhattan Bridge and Williamsburg Bridge
Additional Sights:
- South Street Seaport
- East Village and United Nations Building
- USS Intrepid Pier
Return to Departure Point:
- Finish your cruise with views of the twinkling Manhattan skyline as you head back
Onboard Features
- Climate-controlled indoor cabins and open-air outdoor seating
- Fully stocked bar available for drink purchases
- Live narration throughout the cruise, sharing history and insights about NYC’s landmarks
📅 Program
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🌐 Wifi
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❄️/🌡️ Aer Condiționat
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