Venice Gondola Ride with Grand Canal and Live Commentary
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Experience the beauty of Venice with a traditional gondola ride through the city's iconic canals. On this gondola tour, you will glide through the narrow waterways and along the Grand Canal, taking in historic landmarks with live commentary from your guide.
See famous sights such as Mozart's House, La Fenice Theatre, and the Salute Church. Hear fascinating stories about Venice's history and the craftsmanship behind the gondolas.
Full Description
Discover Venice's canals aboard a gondola, guided by live commentary as you glide through narrow canals and the Grand Canal. Learn about the city's landmarks, including palaces, churches, and local history.
Pass by Mozart’s House, La Fenice Theatre, and the “De le Ostreghe” Canal before reaching the Grand Canal. Admire sights like Salute Church, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, and famous Venetian palaces, such as Ca' Dolfin, Ca' Loredan, and Grimani Palace.
See Punta della Dogana and Saint Mark’s Basin before returning to Campo San Moisè. Experience a virtual reality journey over the Grand Canal, followed by an in-depth look at Venice's iconic gondola craftsmanship.
Meeting Point
- 📌 Meet at Calle larga de l'Ascension, 1257, 30124 Venezia VE, Italy
- 📌 Meet at Venice Tours Srl Close to St.Mark’s Square, Calle S. Gallo, 1093/b, 30124 Venezia VE, Italia
Board at Campo San Moisè
Pass Mozart's House
Glide by La Fenice Theatre
Cruise along the De le Ostreghe Canal
Enter the Grand Canal
View the Salute Church and Peggy Guggenheim Collection
See Ca' Dolfin, Ca' Loredan, Grimani Palace
Pass Punta de la Dogana
End at Saint Mark’s Basin
Return to Campo San Moisè
Gondola ride through Venice's canals
Live guide with commentary
Virtual reality experience of Venice's Grand Canal at sunset
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