Chicago Sunset Lake Cruise with Scenic City Views
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नि:शुल्क रद्दीकरण
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24/7 ग्राहक समर्थन
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Enjoy a relaxing sunset cruise from the Chicago River into Lake Michigan, featuring scenic views of the city skyline at dusk. Start your journey at Michigan Avenue, sail through the Chicago Locks, and witness the city’s iconic buildings from one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. A full-service bar with local drinks and snacks is available onboard.
Full Description
Relax on this 1.5-hour sunset cruise as you glide from the Chicago River into Lake Michigan. Enjoy views of the Chicago skyline and the option to purchase drinks and snacks from the onboard bar.
Start at Michigan Avenue and cruise along the Chicago River toward Lake Michigan. Enter the Chicago Locks, a modern engineering feat, and sail into Lake Michigan, where you’ll see stunning views of the city at sunset.
Your local guide will offer brief commentary as you pass through the river and onto the lake, but most of the cruise is spent taking in the sunset and city skyline. Admire the Willis Tower, John Hancock Building, Grant Park, Buckingham Fountain, Soldier's Field, Adler Planetarium, and Shedd Aquarium.
Choose between the open-air deck or climate-controlled interiors. Enjoy drinks from the full-service cash bar featuring local beer, spirits, and Garrett’s Popcorn. Don't forget to take photos at the Grand Staircase or on the boat’s bow or stern.
Meeting Point
- Meet at 400 Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611, USA
- Departure: Begin at Michigan Avenue on the Chicago River
- Travel along the main branch of the Chicago River
- Pass through the Chicago Locks, connecting to Lake Michigan
- Cruise along Lake Michigan for skyline views as the sun sets
Landmarks to View:
- Willis Tower and John Hancock Building
- Grant Park and Buckingham Fountain
- Soldier Field, Adler Planetarium, and Shedd Aquarium
- Return: Conclude the tour at the starting point on the Chicago River
- Duration: 1.5 hours
- Scenic Views: Watch the sun set behind Chicago’s skyline, casting a warm glow over famous landmarks
- Chicago Locks: Experience the engineering marvel that moves vessels from the river to Lake Michigan
- Historic Sights: Enjoy iconic views of Chicago’s architecture and lakefront attractions
Onboard Experience
- Tour Guide: Brief commentary along the river and lake entrance, leaving ample time to enjoy the sunset in peace
Seating Options:
- Open-air deck for panoramic views and fresh air
- Climate-controlled interior for a comfortable environment
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