Chicago River Architecture Cruise with Live Commentary
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Discover Chicago's architectural landmarks on a guided boat tour along the main river and its branches. Starting at the Michigan Avenue (DuSable) bridge, this tour offers an in-depth look at over 130 years of architectural history with a choice of open-air or climate-controlled seating.
Full Description
See more of Chicago's architecture by boat than on any other cruise. Enjoy views of key architectural landmarks while you travel the Chicago River’s main branch and its north and south branches.
This comprehensive sightseeing tour will showcase over 130 years of architectural history, with expert guides sharing stories along the way. Stay comfortable with a choice of an open-air deck or climate-controlled interior, while staff serves refreshments.
Starting at the Michigan Avenue (DuSable) bridge, the cruise goes up the main river branch past Wolf Point, then along the north and south branches, and back past the Riverwalk towards Lake Michigan.
Learn about historic skyscrapers like the Wrigley Building and Tribune Tower, the art deco Merchandise Mart, mid-century buildings like the Mies Van der Rohe AMA Building, and modern landmarks like the Willis Tower, Marina City, Aqua, Trump Tower, and Vista Tower.
Enjoy a full-service cash bar with local beer, spirits, and Garrett’s Popcorn. Be sure to snap a photo at the Grand Staircase, bow, or stern of the boat.
Meeting Point
- Meet at 400 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611, USA
Starting Point: Michigan Avenue (DuSable) Bridge
Main Branch of the Chicago River:
- Pass historic Wolf Point and learn about early architectural sites
North and South River Branches:
- View a range of notable structures as you travel along the branches
- Return: Cruise by the Chicago Riverwalk on the way back toward Lake Michigan
Main Branch of the Chicago River:
Key Landmarks:
Historic Skyscrapers:
- Wrigley Building
- Tribune Tower
Art Deco and Mid-Century Landmarks:
- Merchandise Mart
- AMA Building by Mies Van der Rohe
Modern and Iconic Buildings:
- Willis Tower
- AON Center
- Marina City Towers
- Aqua Tower, Trump Tower, Nuveen Building, and Vista Tower
Historic Skyscrapers:
Onboard Amenities
- Guided Tour: Friendly tour guides provide stories and insights on Chicago’s skyline.
- Full-service cash bar with local Chicago products
- Garrett's Popcorn and a selection of local beers and spirits
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