Hamburg Cruise with Live Commentary
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Embark on a Hamburg boat tour that takes you through the historic and modern parts of Hamburg's bustling harbor. This Hamburg cruise features live German commentary as you explore the Speicherstadt district, HafenCity, Köhlbrand Bridge, Elbe Philharmonic Hall, and more.
Discover some of the city's 2,400 bridges and its vibrant waterways, canals, and harbor basins. The tour offers an audio guide in six different languages through the app, allowing everyone to enjoy Hamburg's rich maritime history.
Full Description
Set sail on a Hamburg harbor cruise with live German commentary, passing key sights like the Speicherstadt, HafenCity, Köhlbrand Bridge, and Elbe Philharmonic Hall. Admire some of the city’s most iconic bridges and waterways from a unique perspective.
Board the boat to explore Hamburg’s attractions, influenced by the tide and time of day. Learn about the city’s history, landmarks, and bustling maritime activity while relaxing and enjoying the view.
Cruise through the historic Speicherstadt, see the modern HafenCity, glide beneath bridges over the Elbe, and pass container terminals, the Blohm and Voss shipyard, and the Köhlbrand Bridge. Conclude your journey by disembarking at the starting point.
Meeting Point
- 📌 Meet at Bei den St. Pauli-Landungsbrücken 6, 20359 Hamburg, Germany
Boarding at Hamburg Harbor
Cruise through Speicherstadt district
Pass HafenCity and Elbe Philharmonic Hall
View Köhlbrand Bridge
See bridges and canal structures
Blohm and Voss shipyard
Busy locks and container terminals
Disembark at departure point
Hamburg harbor cruise
Live commentary in German
Audio guide app in six languages
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💨 Secțiune în Aer Liber
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❄️/🌡️ Aer Condiționat
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♿ Accesibil pentru Scaune cu Rotile
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